Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The History and Growth of Business

I want to talk about our economy and what you can do to change your life.
Let’s take a look at history. What makes a successful business?
In the 20’s and 30’s some of the most successful were business like, Winchester, Remington, Ford and Chrysler among others, but that’s not the point. The point is what made them so successful. That’s the purpose of this writing is what made them so successful. They had something people purchased , used, and purchased again.
For Winchester and Remington it wasn’t the gun, it was the ammunition.
For Ford and Chrysler it wasn’t the car, it was the parts. They both created the model for repetitious marketing. So all you had to do was come up with a product that people used again and again and you created a business that made you wealthy and was passed on for generations.
Then in the 50’s something new was added. Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, started a new trend that lasted through the 70’s, and beyond which opened the door for anyone with a small amount to invest the opportunity to have a very successful business. McDonalds led the way for a new form of business that many others followed creating the idea of a franchise . Some of the others were BurgerKind,Dunkin Donuts, Harley Davidson, and Interstate Batteries. Now for most people in today’s world the cost of a franchise is out of reach, but what all these have in common and what made their success was a product people purchased again, and again. Then in 1959 Jay VanAndle and Rich Devos started another new trend. Multi-level Maketing and by the 70’s several companies were doing the same thing. Fuller Brush though founded in 1906 by Alfred Carl Fuller and was best known for selling brushes door to door. Changed in the 60’s when they added products to the line such as cosmetics and became a form of multilevel marketing. Also were Watkins, Avon and Tupperware. They were some of the best and gave anyone the opportunity to make a handsome income, and why because they had a product you used again and again. The one catch was that you had to sell the products and keep a stock of items, so most of these companies lost popularity in the 80’s because to had to be a salesman to succeed and most people failed. And when someone asked them how their business was doing it was never because they failed it was because the products were no good or they cost too much. Nothing could be further from the truth. Though they scared the public, from trusting any company that sold products, the fact in almost all cases was that the products were better and cheaper than anything you could buy in the store. How could they do this? Because this way of doing business cuts out:
· Advertizing
· Retail markup
This is over 50% of the cost for anything you buy in the store. So when someone says Oh I heard of that company and their products don’t work or the cost is too much, they probably were told that by someone who never bought the products or failed as a salesman, because in almost all cases it’s not the product or the cost but a way of portraying that the failure was the inability to do sales due to, lack of support or training.
That brings to phase three in the business world

Internet Marketing is the greatest tool ever invented for starting a business with very little money. It gives the public back control of our country. It will let anybody and I mean anybody be in the same financial league as the those trying to take control of your financial resources, it lets you communicate with millions at the same time. Imagine doing your job because you love it and not because you have to support your family some how. Or imagine your bills paid and you can spend 50,000 on your daughter’s wedding because you don’t need the money. Or just imagine being able to help someone out knowing it won’t be a problem for you or your family. This is what the internet can do for anyone and in today’s way of marketing it is more referral. You don’t have to be a salesman. You don’t need to deal with the products, other than the ones you use. You just in most cases refer people to what you do and get paid for it. Don’t get me wrong you still have to do some research to be successful and you need to educate yourself in whatever business you choose.
This is usually an easy task, because having the internet as a tool provides a wealth of information and support from whatever company you choose. There is however one downfall to the internet, it is new, very powerful, yet still open to any scam you can think of. So remember history and what makes a successful business. True residual income can only come from products people purchase over and over and services that offer you something in return for your money. After all think about this. You sell information, which lots of people buy because it’s easier than researching it yourself. What happens after they learn the information you are selling. You can’t erase it from your mind and after they know it they are not going to keep paying for it. So the founder of this dream business makes a lot of money while you make just enough to keep feeding him. You want a business where you refer them once and continue to get paid for them. That is the power of reusable products or services. Now I listed the top 10 Home-based Businesses and they are:
· Usana
· Avon
· Success University
· Quixtar
· Mary Kay
· Melaleuca
· Arbonne International
· YTB Travel
· Pre-paid Legal
· Hello World
These are the top 10 home-based businesses. These are the ones most likely to be here in 30 years and still going strong. Being successful with them has never been easier, so don’t be left behind, change your life for the better. In the present economic situation the companies originally in trouble were those driven by greed. The sad truth is that it has caused the people who worked hard to serve their business and their customers to suffer the consequences and it seems to people that they could care less and they probably don’t. This is not a recession. THIS IS A WAKE UP CALL!!! Everyone has an opportunity to change their life. Most people never make a change unless they are forced and it usually turns out to be for the better. So do yourself a favor and check out these companies. If you want to know which one I chose and why then go to