Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Business Practice Blog 2

Business Practice Blog 2
Hi my last blog was to tell you about what makes a successful business and why the internet is your best opportunity for success in the 21st century. Now I want to talk about why it is so important that we do what we can to take more of the responsibility that is needed to run our country, so again let’s look at history. Back in the 30’s we went into the greatest depression our country ever knew. The 20’s were good times, and as a result people paid no mind to the consequences of their actions, and what happened? The Mississippi Valley had its agricultural lands mismanaged because of the huge profits being made in the wheat industry. People who knew nothing of farming raped the lands with noregard to the consequences of their actions. Then with the huge drop in the Stock Market and the mismanagement by our government it drove us to the largest depression on record. And what brought all of this about? Mans desire to have more than he needed no matter what the price. Then in the 70’’s, to be more accurate 1973 a date most of us remember was the oil crisis. This came about by OPEC (organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) who placed an oil embargo on the United States over a political conflict. This took a large chunk out of our supplies. So to keep up our reserves, our oil companies decided to raise the price to us from $3.00 / barrel to $12.00 /barrel. This was an attempt to force us into rationing the supplies we had and still maintain or increase their profit margin. This of course was the final link to an already weakened economy due to the decision by our government to eliminate the gold standard and drove us into another recession that stretched into the 80’s. It seems history repeats itself, political power and profit with no regard to the working force. Now we come to the first depression of the 21st Century, you know the one we are in now. There are two main factors that caused this depression which is the forming of the Free Market because they fail to consider the the possibility of companies in the U.S. moving their operations overseas and most recently the straw that broke the camel’s back was the Mortgage Lenders. They found a market for selling mortgages to foreign countries and started a feeding frenzy over it. Taking people into high risk loans any way they could regardless of their inability to repay the loans and selling them as triple A premium loans. This became common practice throughout the industry. Everyone wanted to make the money. As a result they formed an instability which caused people to start losing jobs in addition to the jobs already lost due to U.S companies moving over seas, which resulted in millions of foreclosures to get back their money, This by itself drove us into another huge depression strictly out of greed. Who will pay the ultimate price? The common working force, better known as the backbone of the country that’s who always pays. It’s funny how the people who are the true creators of everything our so called leaders have always have to pay the price for what they bring about. Well it’s not necessarily their fault. We have concluded without a doubt that drugs cause people to lose control of rational thought and that they become an addiction few can overcome by themselves. Well the most destructive and most damaging addiction of all is the one no one will acknowledge. It’s called greed. All people are consumed by it, after a long period of exposure. No one can escape. If anything history has proven this. No one can be given control over vast quantities of income and be expected to make a rational decision when it is jeopardized. They will not agree to anything that does not insure that their profits stay intact. That is why people fought and died in the Revolution and why they spent 11 years creating the Constitution. It was to insure that we would never be ruled by a king or kings. It is our fault that we are ruled by a financial aristocracy can cause the same result and in most cases does. We have let them twist and manipulate our Constitution for too long.So how can we fix this problem? Take to arms? Put them in Jail? Or steal what we want? None of these will solve the problem. There is only one way. That is for the public to take back as much responsibility as we can. It can happen but, it won’t be tomorrow. Our forefathers fought the revolution of 1776 to make us a free nation and in 1787 the Constitution was put in place to preserve the rights they fought for. The Politicians, major corporations and large money lenders have had three generations of total freedom to undermine, twist, and abuse what our forefathers fought for. We can take back the responsibilities our forefathers gave us, by creating financial independence among us. A six figure income can make any family debt free. After all that’s how they control you instead of you controlling them. 80% of the country survives at a low to modest 5 figure income. Then when you need help financially they prey on you. They make you give control of everything you own for what is usually a meaningless bit of help and then keep you in debt forever. But when you don’t need their help then they start to beg you, and you now make the rules. So how can you create a 6 figure income? There are several ways, but the one I am using in my blogs is because anyone can succeed with a small investment. That’s the internet and home based businesses. Whatever you are lead to believe about home based businesses; there are people that want you to succeed. It’s the only source of income that is never effected by the economy. I gave you a list of home-based businesses that are rated in the top 10 in my previous blog. I don’t want you to be mislead, when I say a six figure income, it won’t happen overnight, and it’s not always an easy start, but it is however within reach of everyone’s capability, but you have to take responsibility for what you want first. Now we still need these large corporations, and we still need banks and lenders and we still need our government. The problem is it’s our job to regulate them not the other way around. So stop complaining about what they are doing wrong and start doing something about it. If you don’t and you leave it up to them to fix the problem you WILL NOT LIKE THE OUTCOME.
I chose my business because I believe I can help more people reach that goal of financial freedom than any other business I looked at. So again if you want to know more go to: http://www.newbrighterhorizon.com
